Une pochette plate, idéale pour y glisser cartes de banque, monnaie, clés, etc.
Elle trouve sa place partout et peut être assortie avec le sac qui lui correspond... ou pas, c'est vous qui voyez bien entendu!
Longeur: 13 cm
Hauteur: 11 cm
Epaisseur: 0,5 cm
Détails:Se ferme à l’aide d’une fermeture à glissière
S Pouch - Grape Skin Camel
Extérieur: 100% Grape Skin - VEGEA®
Intérieur: Canvas de coton oeko-tex fabriqué en EU
VEGEA has succeeded in giving waste a second life with Grape Skin.
This innovative material, made from the remains of grapes from Italian winemaking, is gaining popularity thanks to its unique properties:
- Elegant and refined: With its soft texture and subtle tones, Grape Skin offers a modern and sophisticated look.
- Timeless: More than a slogan, a proven reality! And above all, tested in practice: I have been wearing Grape Skin sneakers every day for over a year and they are still in perfect condition!
- Easy to clean: A simple soft, damp cloth is enough to keep the material spotless.
- Water resistant and can be waterproofed.
- Value creation from waste: Grape residues, which are normally thrown away, are transformed into a valuable raw material.
- Ecological process: The production process consumes little energy and water and generates no toxic waste.
- Circular and responsible: Grape Skin is GRS (Global Recycled Standard) certified and meets the strictest standards in terms of recycling and environmental awareness.
The production:
- Collection of waste: Skins, seeds, residues.
- Grinding the waste and mixing it with grapeseed oil and water-based polyurethane to obtain a thick paste. Water-based polyurethane is a more ecological alternative to traditional polyurethane. It has the following advantages:
- Reduced energy and water consumption: The water-based polyurethane manufacturing process requires less energy and water than traditional polyurethane, thus reducing the overall carbon footprint.
- Fewer harmful substances: The solvents used in water-based polyurethane are less toxic than those found in traditional polyurethane, offering better protection for health and the environment.
- Better for workers: Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions are also reduced with water-based polyurethane, improving working conditions in manufacturing plants.
3. Addition of vegetable dye to the paste which is then spread on a recycled polyester fabric and compressed with a roller to form a soft, grainy material reminiscent of leather.
VEGEA® is composed of 55% grape marc and 45% water-based PU and is mounted on a recycled polyester fabric. It is certified by REACH, GRS and PETA - VEGAN APPROVED.
Notre fournisseur, le fabricant de la matière première Grape Skin - VEGEA® conseille d’appliquer un voile d’imperméabilisant éco sans huile ou graisse, une fois par an afin de la protéger des tâches.
En cas de tâche, l’entretien est très simple: utilisez un chiffon doux imbibé d’eau, essorez-le bien et passez le ensuite délicatement sur la surface tâchée et tamponnez ensuite avec un chiffon doux sec si besoin. Et voilà!
Ne peut être nettoyé qu'avec de l’eau et du savon doux naturel au PH neutre si besoin. Ne jamais utiliser d’eau de javel, d’alcool ou d’éponge abrasive. Ne jamais blanchir, nettoyer à sec, repasser, nettoyer en machine, sécher au sèche-linge, sur un radiateur ou au soleil direct. Toujours laisser sécher au sec, à l’air libre et à l’abri du soleil direct.